August 24, 2009

Buzz Off

Music in my head: Harmonium - Vert
Today's weather: Like the vicinity of yesterday's sambar in a dumpster.

They buzz around, the flying fiends,
And, oh! But you can’t hear them.
They stalk you now, as you read,
Even as you condemn them.
They probe and sense and size you up,
Mandibles they slowly unsheathe,
And wide-mouthed and starry-eyed,
Into your neck, they sink their teeth.
You feel the sting, you see the thing
Chewing up your sensitive skin.
You swat away, you flail away,
You squish the life right out of him.
But, oh! His work’s already done,
A little red spot- his prize.
And the next morning you open your eyes,
Look in the mirror- surprise, surprise!
A little world map burnt into your side,
Ah! Look, here’s good old Trichy.
The Doc tells you- “It’s insect pee,
You’ve sensitive skin? That’s a pity.”
Now every time you turn your head,
There’s searing pain, and one thought,
That little David felled the giant
With nothing more than a slingshot.


Hari said...

Good one! :) Nicely rhymed. Reminds me of your old poem in the school magazine. Poems are your area, man. Write more! :P

Krishna Chandran said...

yeah.. lol... i remember the hercules and the mosquitoes thing i wrote for the school mag... don't have a copy of it myself now, though... is there a pdf of the mag somewhere?

SuFu said...

nice! Loved the last 2 lines..

"That little David felled the giant
With nothing more than a slingshot."